Latest News
Lancashire Mind
Year 5/6 began a project today delivered by ‘Lancashire Mind’ focussing on resilience. They enjoyed beginning their new workbooks!
Printing & Patterns
Reception class have been busy printing this afternoon using different fruit and vegetables. They were able to talk about the shapes and patterns they noticed. …
Computer Club
The Computing club children really enjoyed their first session.They used IPads to create their own animations.
Mini Skills Competition
Well done to the children who competed at the Year 3/4 mini skills today! 0 …
International Aid
This morning we were joined by International Aid to learn about where our shoebox donations travelled to and the children who received them. This year the shoeboxes were gifts for…
Pasta Making
Y3/4 have planned and made their own pasta dishes in DT. Tonight’s tea is sorted!
Hunt for unusual characters
Elm Class were surprised this morning to receive a letter asking them to go on a hunt. They found lots of unusual characters hidden around school. They can’t wait to…
Grammar and Punctuation Show
A Christmas themed grammar and punctuation show this morning for Y5/6!
Christmas Experience
Year 5/6 attended St Bartholomew’s Church this morning to take part in the ‘Christmas Experience’. Thank you to everyone who was involved in organising this for the children! …
Assembly Showcase
We are really proud of our Reception class who performed brilliantly in their first assembly and showcase. …
Ceramic Tree Decoartions
The whole school enjoyed creating their own ceramic Christmas tree decoration this morning in workshops with Mrs Peckham. …
Year 5/6 Class Worship and Showcase…
The children talked about Democracy before sharing their poetry, speeches and ‘dance through the ages’ routine. …
Forest Schools
All the children were very proud of the artwork they created this afternoon at forest school which was inspired by Vincent Van Gogh’s ‘A Starry Night’. …
Visit from Championship Referee
KS2 enjoyed a presentation this afternoon from Championship referee, Leigh Doughty. The children enjoyed hearing about his career journey and had lots of questions to ask! …
The Great Fire of London
Elm Class enjoyed an online session with London Museum learning about ‘The Great Fire of London’. They also had the opportunity to send them questions they wanted to ask.
Porridge Tasting
The children have loved tasting porridge this afternoon linked our book ‘Goldilocks and the Three Bears’. It was just right! …
Beacon Fell
Reception class loved their outdoor adventure at Beacon fell this morning linked to our new learning on traditional tales. They took meeting a troll in their stride (that doesn’t happen…
Autumn Jelly
The children in Reception, have loved exploring the autumn jelly they made using the natural objects they collected. …
Mini Skills Competition
A fantastic performance by all the children at a Mini Skills Competition. Well done!
Ancient Egyptian day
Ancient Egyptian day in Syamore class was a hit! The children learned how to write in hieroglyphics, solve maths problems using Egyptian notation and all about Howard Carter. Great outfits…