Our Curriculum

Curriculum Offer at Brabin’s Endowed Primary School

Alongside meeting the requirements of the national curriculum, the curriculum at Brabin’s School has been constructed to be ambitious, challenging, broad and balanced and designed to meet the needs of all pupil groups. It has also been tailored to reflect our school community and the school’s locality.

We are proud of our ‘Brabin’s Entitlement Curriculum’ which ensures that every pupil at the school has the opportunity to engage in experiences to prompt interest, create inspiration as well as develop aspirations in both the short and long term.

Reading is an integral element in our curriculum. It is deemed as the gateway to all learning. Reading for pleasure is promoted and embraced by providing engaging and challenging class novels, accessing rich texts across the wider curriculum, participating in drama and the use of ICT. All of this key criteria is woven into our robust reading curriculum.

Brabin’s Curriculum Policy January 2022

Subject leader – Miss Garth 

Mathematics Policy

Mathematics Progression

Subject leader – Mrs Wallace 

English Policy

English Progression 

EYFS Progression in Literacy

Subject leader – Mr Pearse

Science Policy

Scheme of work and key learning

Subject leader – Miss Doxey

History policy

Scheme of work and key learning

   Subject leader – Mr Pearse

Geography Policy

Scheme of work and key learning

Subject leader – Miss Doxey

DT policy

Scheme of work and key learning

Subject leader – Miss Doxey

Computing policy

Computing progression

Subject leader – Mrs Wallace


Physical Education progression

Subject leader – Miss Garth

Art Policy

Scheme of work and key learning

Subject leader – Miss Garth

PSHE Policy

PSHE Progression



Subject leader – Miss Hamer

RE Policy

Collective Worship policy

Scheme of Work


Subject leader  – Miss Hamer 

Music Policy

Scheme of Work 

Music Progression

Music Development Summary

EYFS policy


Online Safety long term plan

Relationships Education and Health Education – Parents consultation 2020


French curriculum overview 2023 – 2024

French Policy

Links for Parents

Understanding Relationships and Health Education in
your child’s primary school – Guide for parents

Click on the link to view the Primary National Curriculum:

National Curriculum link