Curriculum Enrichment

Year 1/2 Zumba session – 23rd May 2024

Year 5 – Bikeability course May 2024

Reception visit to Blackpool zoo – 27th March 2024

Whole school Chinese Cultural day 10th January 2024

Year 2 and Year 6 Fire Safety sessions – 11th December 2023

Year 3/4 Visit to Eureka – October 2023

Matt Lucas- Author visit – October 2023

Year 3/4 visit to Brockholes – 18th November 2022

Reception visit to Beacon fell – 14th November 2022

Reception and Key stage 1 Frisbee club  –November – December 2022

Year5/6 Dance session video – June 2022

Year 3/4 Dance session video – June 2022

Reception visit to Williamson park – 13th June 2022

Key stage 1 – Football tournament – 28th April 2022

Reception visit to Beacon fell – March 2022

Reception and Pre school – Terrific teeth afternoon – March 2022

Year 3 and 4 Residential to Winmarleigh – March 2022

Year 5 and 6 Residential to Towerwood – March 2022

Year 5 and 6 Shakespeare Macbeth performance – March 2022

Year 5 and 6 Rugby Competition  – March 2022

Marine and Conservation visit – February 2022

Whole school engineering day – January 2022

Forest school sessions – January 2022

KS2 – Halle virtual Orchestra – May 2021

Pre school and Reception – Creepy Crawly workshop May 2021

Year 5&6 Preston School’s Octathlon Competition – 22nd March 2021

Key Stage 1 Mini skills – 11th November 2020

The children completed lots of different activities including passing, throwing and catching.

November 2020 – Brabin’s Remembers

The children have worked incredibly hard this week to create “Brabins Remembers”. Every child in each class has designed their own poppy design and painted this carefully on a pebble, along with the name of a brave solider who gave his life for us.

Weekly Pre school and Reception Forest school sessions 2020

The children have enjoyed taking part in lots of different activities including playing team games, using natural resources to make bonfires and going on an autumn walk.

Year 5 and 6 Victorian day – 10th November 2020

Our English topic is Oliver Twist. The children took part in a “Day as a Victorian” event.

Whole school Beatles day – 3rd November 2020

We had a whole school music enrichment day with a focus on The Beatles; their music and culture.

Year 5/6 Hockey skills 13th October 2020

Year 3/4 Visit to Bleasdale Circle – 14th February 2020

Sycamore class enjoyed their trip to Bleasdale Circle as part of their history topic.

Year 3/4 Mini skills – February 2020

On 13th February children from Year 3 and 4 took part in a mini skills event. The children came 1st in the small schools category.

Reception visit to Sainsbury’s January 2020 

On Thursday 30th January, we visited Sainsbury’s in Longridge linked to our topic ‘Food’. The children had the opportunity to have a tour of the supermarket and take part in food tasting.

Reception swimming lessons January – February 2020

The children have loved taking part in their weekly swimming lessons.

Year 3/4 Football tournament – 23rd January 2020

On 23rd January, children from Year 3/4 took part in a football tournament. They came 1st place in the small school’s category.

Kurling tournament  – 17th January 2020

On 17th January, children from Key stage 2 took part in a Kurling tournament. They came 3rd in the small schools category, well done!

Reception Visit to Little Town Dairy  – 21st November 2019

On 21st November we visited Little Town Dairy, the children had a tour of the garden centre and looked at lots of different flowers.  We found out how to care for daffodils ready for when we plant them at school. We even had the chance to visit the cafe for a drink and a biscuit before returning to school.

Year 3/4 visit to Eureka – 27th September 2019

Everyone in Sycamore class had a fantastic trip, taking part in the Chew to Poo science show, learning all about the digestive system and exploring the museum

Harry Potter Day – 20th September 2019

On Friday 20th September, the children enjoyed dressing up for a Harry Potter themed day. They had lots of fun playing Quidditch in teams and were excited to find out which team won the most points.

Reception visit to Williamson Park – 14th June 2019

The children had a tour of the butterfly house, mini beast cave and small mammals. We even got the chance to hold a giant land snail, a cockroach and a snake, they loved finding out all about the different animals. They had the opportunity to feed some fish and meerkats which they loved. We had a fantastic time and the children enjoyed having a picnic and playing at the park.

KS2 Clarinet and Saxophone lessons April – July 2019

Year 5/6 are currently taking part in weekly saxophone lessons delivered by Lancashire Music Service.

Visit to London- Summer 2019

Year 5/6 visited London in May 2019 to take part in  a workshop on ‘Democracy’ at the Houses of Parliament. We also had a  guided tour of Parliament and watched the House of Commons sitting. As well as this we visited: the Science Museum, the Natural History Museum, Buckingham Palace and took a trip on the London Eye.

Year 3/4 Roman Day  – April 2019

Year 3/4 enjoyed a Roman themed day. They dressed up as Romans, learnt about Roman Numerals, made clay coins and made mosaics. Everyone looked great!

Year 4 STEM day 3rd April 2019

Year 3/4 PGL Residential 13th – 14th March 2019

The children in Year 3/4 enjoyed a night away at Winmarleigh PGL. Everyone had a fantastic time, enjoying lots of new experiences such as, climbing, driving ATV, canoeing,  survival skill, vertical challenge, buggy building and trapeze.

Year 5/6 Robinwood Residential 25th-27th March 2019

Triathlon 2019

This event was organised by Friends of Brabins and school. The focus for the Triathlon was participation and enjoyment for the children. The triathlon was a sponsored event to raise funds whilst promoting health and fitness.

  • Colour run – Friday 29th March 2019
  • Cycle ride – Saturday 30th March 2019
  • Swimming – Saturday 30th March 2019