Tech Team

Tech team members 2023-2024

The Tech team is made up of pupils from Year 1 to Year 6.

Our new Tech Team have begun their planning to make Brabin’s a safe place to learn online. They have lots of plans and they’ll be sharing their projects very soon!


The Tech Team have enjoyed delivering Scratch Jnr sessions with KS1 children at lunchtime.






Tech team assembly Tuesday 6th February 2024

Tech team members 2022~2023

Examples of our family project – Design an online safety mascot – February 2023

Tech team assembly ~ Tuesday 7th February 2023

Online safety written by the tech team – January 2023

Tech Team members – 2021- 2022

Safer Internet assembly ~ 8th February 2022

The tech team planned and delivered a whole school assembly all about Safer Internet day. They asked questions, carried out a quiz and gave the children scenarios to discuss.