- 5th March 201912th January 2025
Welcome to Sycamore Class
Class information
Our teacher is Mr Pearse
Our Teaching Assistant is Mrs Slater
Homework information
Homework will be set in pupils' homework books as well as some additional online learning set on Times table Rock Stars. This will be given on a Friday and will be due in the following Friday.
Weekly homework will consist of:
*reading aloud at least 3 times weekly to an adult
*learning a spelling list
*a spelling activity e.g writing sentences linked to set spellings or a 'super scoder' worksheet
*completing a maths activity linked to our classroom objectives
Mini Skills Competition
Well done to the children who competed at the Year 3/4 mini skills today! 0 …
International Aid
This morning we were joined by International Aid to learn about where our shoebox donations travelled to and the children who received them. This year the shoeboxes were gifts for…
Pasta Making
Y3/4 have planned and made their own pasta dishes in DT. Tonight’s tea is sorted!
Ceramic Tree Decoartions
The whole school enjoyed creating their own ceramic Christmas tree decoration this morning in workshops with Mrs Peckham. …
Visit from Championship Referee
KS2 enjoyed a presentation this afternoon from Championship referee, Leigh Doughty. The children enjoyed hearing about his career journey and had lots of questions to ask! …
Ancient Egyptian day
Ancient Egyptian day in Syamore class was a hit! The children learned how to write in hieroglyphics, solve maths problems using Egyptian notation and all about Howard Carter. Great outfits…
Curriculum Overviews 2024-25
Autumn 1: Stone Age
Autumn 2: Human Fuel
Spring 1: Ancient Civilisations
Spelling List:
Year 1/2: years-1-and-2-spellings
Year 3/4: spellings-y34