- 5th March 20191st January 2025
Welcome to Oak Class- Year 5/6
Class Information
Our Teacher is Miss Hamer.
Our Teaching Assistants are Mrs Peckham and Miss Whitehead.
Homework Information
Homework will be set in pupils' homework books as well as some additional online learning set on Times table Rock Stars. This will be given on a Friday and will be due in the following Friday. Homework books with linked spelling activities will need to be handed in on a Thursday so they can be marked ready to hand back on Friday with new homework. Spelling tests will also be on a Friday.
Weekly homework will consist of:
*reading aloud at least 3 times weekly to an adult
*learning a spelling list
*a spelling activity e.g writing sentences linked to set spellings or a 'super scoder' worksheet
*completing a maths activity linked to our classroom objectives
Dance - Monday (pumps or bare feet)
Creatve Invasion Games- Thursday (outdoor kit and gum shield needed)
This half term we are learning about...
Inventors and Inventions
What have Oak Class been up to?
Christmas Bake Off!
The children have thoroughly enjoyed the Christmas Bake Off DT Project. The children designed, cooked and assembled the gingerbread houses from scratch! We are all very proud of what we have achieved plus they were scrumptious too!